Monday, November 23, 2015

Letter from Ben - 10/27/09

hola everyone!
everything is going great and my companion and i taught the first lesson in spanish to our roommates today. i have made a goal to only eat one plate of food (a normal portion) at meals and it is working great...don't worry mom, you're cooking is still mas muy bueno.  thanks so much for sending those packages.  i felt like a dingleberry sitting on my bunk and crying over everyone's letters haha but it's all good.  thanks for the foto album and for the packages.  i am so jealous that matt shot his deer.....i will NEVER hear the end of it now...haha so how is the house going? is it still coming along fast? also tell tanner tolman congrats for me and i think that IS where deion is...oh and today we went to get a sack breakfast thing and it was freezing.  thanks for sending the debit card and stuff. also i got the rest of my immunizations so let me know if i need to send you the receipt so that we (you) can get reimbursed or whatever you need to do.  today is snowed for a little bit while we were on our way back from the temple which for some reason was especially good this week.  also, this week for my "spiritual experience", my companero and i memorized the first vision in espanol.  i can tell that both of us are growning so fast and it isn't so terrible to speak spanish anymore. haha well i'm glad that david is still babysitting and staying out of trouble and tell him congrats on being done with his eagle project. how are you doing at work, dad? and mom, hang in there the house is almost done. haha  anyways i better go but thanks again so much for the letters and everything. they really mean a lot to me....tell me how everything else is going and stuff and remember...I LOVE YOU!!! <3 :)
have an awesome week and i can't wait to hear how everything is going.
Tell everyone to keep up the good work in all that they do and to keep trying their hardest to persevere and CTR.  thanks again for everything you do...I love and miss you!!!

Elder Benjamin D. Child
Mexico-Oaxaca Mission

p.s. i have had the sher-khan dream twice this week...mtc food is getting to me...haha love ya bye

Letter from Mom - 10/26/09

 Hey little buddy, haha
Wow, another week has gone by.  It sounds like you have been busy.  Quite a responsibilty, filling in for the DL.  So, no coat yet?  I am glad it hasn't been too cold yet.  It has been nice here too.  We will have to go find the winter coats before too long.  So do you go to the temple every week?  Dad and I have been better at going and actually went to the temple the first week in Oct.  We have trying to do better at everything.  We even had scripture study the other morning.  There are some mornings the guys don't get up in time before Dad has to leave for work but we at least have prayer before the day starts.  I know but it is better than nothing, eh?  Hopefully we can make it a habit.  So, Tanner Tolman got his mission call.  He is going to the North Carolina Rawley Mission.  Is that where Deon (sp) is?  He seems excited. 
So, tell us of any other fabulous experiences that you have had.  The boys love to hear about them.  We share them with all we talk to.  Oh, Bishop McBride was released.  Can you believe their time was up.  The new Bishop is Calvin Bailey, 1st C- Rod Jentszch, 2nd C- Sam Crane.  Seems weird huh?  Dad was hoping to make it to Rupert but we had the primary program here in Weiser.  Jake's band concert is Tues. night.  He is excited.  Then we don't have school on thurs. and Fri.  Oh, boy!!  G & G Child are coming on Wed.  U. Dan's concert is also Tues. night so they will stay in Middleton and then head over here on Wed.  They want to check out the house project, have lunch with Dad and then head home.  It won't be a long visit but it will be good to see them.  I still can't believe G & G Hodge came to Weiser.  
Here's a funny story,  we picked some grapes for A. Jane to make some juice and she gave us about 8 quarts.  Anyway, we mixed some up for Sunday dinner.  We used the campground water and it was disgusting.  Dad couldn't even drink it.  So, the next time we made it we bought a gallon of water and it was so much better.  We are trying to ration it.  Imagine that, us trying to ration the yummy food.  hahahaha  Well, hopefully everything is going great.  I hope you haven't caught any of the yuck that is going around.  Zack, Jake and now Dad have the cough thing, but hopefully it won't last for long and we won't catch it.  Are you staying healthy?  We are always thinking of you!  I hope you know that we love you.  I am glad you are my son.  I am thankful for the gospel and the Holy Ghost.   I am so grateful for Pres. Monson.  If we will just follow their counsel we would be better off.  I am so grateful for the temple and love the peace we can have there.  I love the missionaries and am so grateful that so many will serve our Heavenly Father.  Now more than ever, I am amazed by that.  I forwarded your e-mail to the Jolley's and Andrea said, "Isn't it wonderful to know that everyone is praying for your son?"'s wonderful.  I know that you are being blessed and watched over.  You are having some unforgettable, once in a lifetime expereinces right know.   O.k. I better get.  David has Zack and Caleb making animal sounds and for some reason they are trying to see who can be the loudest.  Wow, that's fun here in the trailer.  K, loads of love to you.  Have a great week.  And we live for your letters too!!  big hug big kiss,,,,,,love mom
Oh, I am attaching Matt's deer.  And Dave with the helipad.  I hope it will work.


Note from Andrea Jolley - 10/24/09

Thank you Janet!!
The boys look great.  Isn't it wonderful knowing that everyone in the
world is praying for your missionary.
It was good to see you the other day.
Love aj

Letter from Ben - 10/20/09

hola mi familia y mis amigos,

there has been a lot happening around here over the last week.  sunday our disrict leader (DL) was sick so i got to fill in for him in all of his meetings and everthing.  it actually wasn't too bad. for our service projects saturday night and tuesday night we set up all the chairs for the 2100 of us who will attend the firesides and devotionals.  we have the system down and it takes us about 45 minutes to set everything up.  also mom, my companion is going to oaxaca too and there are 6 of us in the deistrict that are going there.  it is going to be awesome.  there are two others going to cuaranevaca, mex and 4 going to lima, peru, which they are leaving for the mtc in lima on wednesday.  one of the elders going down to peru is from soda springs and all of us decided that we are going to stay in touch and have district reunions when we all come back.  darek (elder jentzsch) is leaving in a couple weeks for bucharest, romania.  tell david that when he is famous i want a ride in a helicopter too. also, i can't believe dad would do that to poor innocent dave.  actually, now you know where we get it from.  also, i think it WAS you that taught that to caleb.  you can't trick him... i don't need my coat yet, but it is actually staying pretty nice. thanks for getting me those addresses.  when it rains down here, i kinda get homesick because it smells remarkably like rain in idaho, but i will get through it.  so how are the guys doing in school? has matt been going on any other dates? dave and jake are probably still getting striaght a's.  also thank you so much grandma and grandpa child for that package.  i didn't even share the cookies...and dad you need some more practice on your brownies (chocolate twinkies).  haha but really though i think that that has made the biggest difference in everything, like contact with the outside world.  oh and there have been 2 elders in our district that got the flu and one that has the h1n1 virus.  so all of us had to go to the health clinic today and get a box of pills, just in case.  also, and this will comfort you mom, oaxaca is where the swine flu started haha but what can go wrong if you have the Lord on your side.  well my time is up so i better go.  The Church is true, the book is blue, see you in 2!!!
i love you sooooo much, hahaha
elder benjamin dale child

p.s. keep sending zack and caleb's drawings/creations...i have them taped to the wall haha

Note from Aunt Marsheila - 10/18/09

Me allegro al oir que Ben o sea Elder Child esta bien y aprendiendo tanto.
I'm so happy to hear that Ben or Elder Child is good and learning so much. 

It was sweet to know that Caleb was concerned about if Ben was eating.  We never know what those sweet little ones ponder. 
Did Steve let Caleb know that Ben gets to do exercises too?  I was surprized about that and the etiquette classes. We had to
learn how to sit because we had to wear dresses.  I don't know if the elders had to do that hoooo boy not wear dresses but
have classes on proper things to do.  Culture classes are to help understand the people too.

We had a nice time with Baleska and Thomas - just didn't last long.  Now they are moving their possessions to Camp Pendleton.
Well, I best get busy.  Give my love to all.  Marsheila


Just sending along Ben's latest letter.  Hope you all are doing great.  Take Care and some of us may see some of you this weekend, for Bro. Kent's funeral.  We will probably come just for Saturday.  Our prayers are with Grandma Kent, Annette and the kids.  I think it is a great idea to make a memory book for all the grandkids.  I love Ben' true. 
What a guy, Bro. Kent. 
                Loads of love to you all, Janet
**Side note:  My Dad said he could definately feel Ben's enthusiasm and determination to spread the gospel. A few days later, he had a dream that he went to the MTC and was roomies with Ben and the 3 other missionaries.  He hasn't slept good since, hahaha jk
 K, ttyl

Letter from Ben - 10/13/09

hey, i just sent off a package of stuff for you guys. it is matt's b-day present and some letters and pictures for you.  i am glad that you guys are doing well and that the house is coming along so well.  and about matt and the paint?.....well, he must have been living right. i have been at the mtc for almost two weeks and it has gone by so fast that it isn;'t even funny.  haha...i like how i laugh anyways... so spanish is going well and companions are great. i hope that everything is going well for you guys and that you are finding satisfaction in your lives.  oh, mom what is the email that you don't recognize? also, i was wondering if you are forwarding this email on to harmon's and hanson's and other families in the rupert ward. if not, please do.  thank you so much for the packages the cinnamon rolls were great.  and tell dad that he did a great job at picking that card with the pig on it.  everything is going fantastic and devotionals are being so helpful.  this last week, the devotional was on things that we may have had to give up in order to come on a mission.  the speaker had asked everyone to write done some things that they are going to have to live without for the next 18 months to 2 years. i just wrote down that i am going to miss little brothers graduating from high school, going to their first day of kindergarten, and this list goes on and on.  anyways i was really proud of myself becuase i didn't start crying.  but all that he said was that "your family will be more blessed with you gone than they could ever be when you are with them." so i am going to be brave and do what's right, because it is right.  and its what i need to do.  thanks for sharing that story of grandpa hodge's.  that is so awesome, and tell him to call ahead if he decides to come down here haha.  anyways i hope that everything goes well and that you are being as blessed as i am.  also we go to the temple on tuesday and so that is really awesome as well.

We can get letters any day of the week as you may know so for those who want to write letters my address is:

Elder Benjamin Dale Child
MEX-OAX 1130
MTC Mailbox #242
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

i love you all very much and hope that you will be blessed as much as i have been. Oh mom, really fast...the story that i remember about brother kent is that no matter what sunday it was, whether we were standing in the halls at church or getting ready for a meeting, and even though brother kent may be late for something, he would always stop me in the hallway and hand me a few swedish fish that he kept in his suit pocket.  that was so awesome that someone would take time to do such a simple thing.  send kent's my condolences and love.  i love you very much and keep thinking about you all the time. god be with you till we meet again.

elder benjamin dale child
P.S. give the guys a hug for me...XXXXOOOXOXOXXXOOxxxoxoooxoxxOOO

Missionary Minutia

Note from Sis. Bergquist:
I get an email from LDS Living and they had this little corner of mission facts that I thought you might enjoy since you are in the mode.

Did you know that Joseph F. Smith was fifteen when he was called to serve a mission in Hawaii? Here are some other missionary facts:

The one millionth full-time missionary was called in 2007

24,000 missionaries enter the Provo MTC over the course of a year

There are 17 MTCs throughout the world

265,593 converts were baptized last year

David O. McKay proclaimed "every member a missionary” in 1959

As of 2008, there were 348 LDS missions in the world

In 1921, Elder David O. McKay dedicated China for the preaching of the gospel

Letter from Mom - 10/12/09

Hey you, How are you doing? We hope everything is going good and you still like your companion. haha I am sure you do. How is the language coming? I am sure you are doing awesome. So, Sunday Dad had to speak in church. He did a great job. He wanted us to imagine the youth lining up shoulder to shoulder. And if he could he would ask them if any of them were part of an army, then he would ask if any of them have had to fight in battle. Then he explained that they were in an army and they have had to fight a battle. He went on to explain that the youth needed to stick together and be strong enough to stand up to what they believe to be right. He also addressed the fathers. He explained how each time he held one of you in his arms, after you were born, that he promised you he would do all he could to protect you. He wanted the fathers to know that they needed to protect their sons/daughters and not allow them to do or go places that they didn't think was good for them. He told the story of the sister that bore her testimony and told how her son really wanted to go to a concert. She did not feel good about it but the son kept persisting until she finally gave in. He was going with people she knew. I don't know if you have heard this, anyway, while he was gone, she kept thinking of him and praying wanting that confirmation that he was okay. Finally the strong impression came to her, "I cannot go where he is" She had then realized that she had put her son in a bad situation. Anyway, he did point out, Sunday & Monday night activities, getting serious with girls dating before you are 16. He made some good points and I think he delivered it quite well. It made me realize that over the years, although we are not perfect, we have tried to keep all of you protected. This parenting stuff is hard but I hope you know how much we love you. We pray for your safety and courage and strentgh. Okay...enough of that serious stuff. So we have been working like crazy on Dave's project. We got the white coats and glass beads on the helipad on Sat. It was not very warm but the concrete was warm enough to paint. Everyone started to build a frame so we could drape plastic over and put a heater in but it dried by itself so we ended up not using the plastic. Then Sun. was beautiful, (of course) And this morning we woke up and thought it was going to rain. Well, about 9:30, Dad called and said he was coming home to work on the painting. The clouds had broke and it was beautiful again today. Here's a side note. By the time we got to the hospital, life flight was on its way and we were pulling down the frame work. After about 20 min. we found out they weren't coming. Anyway, the weather was a miracle. We got on all the coats of red and pulled the tape off. It looks awesome. We will send some pictures. You'll have to check out the ones at night with the reflective beads. I hope those turn out. So we finally got to Matt's B-day dinner. Caleb fell asleep in his chair, he was so exhausted, he had been with Dad and I working all day. What a trooper. Oh, we wanted to let you know that Bro. Kent passed away last Thursday. His funeral will be on Sat. Do you want to send us a fun memory of him. Their family is making a book. Annette had asked about it when we had visited them. If so, just add to one of your letters. Well, I better let you go. I'm sure you are keeping busy. Oh, and the basement walls are poured. YEAH! K, I can't wait to hear more about your days. Loads of love to you...We love you, you know...Love Mom.
Oh, so G. Hodge told me that after conference there was a video they showed (I think that is where he saw it) anyway, it was about a determined missionary, actually it may have been the Best 2 Years. He told me it reminded him of you. The determined Elder. So that night he had a dream that he decided to join you on your mission. So their were 5 of you in your apartment. He got a little teary eyed wishing he would have taken the opportunity to serve a mission. Anyway, he is extrememly proud of you and your determination. I thought that was sweet. Okay, I think this is the last "Oh yeah" moment. K, we love you. We all do. You are getting prayers from everyone...even G. Hodge. XxOoXxOo

Oh man, I forgot to share this, it is part of my journal for today...
When I got back to the hospital, they were working on the 2nd coat and almost ready for the 3rd.  Matt had gone to Ontario to pick up more paint and return the heater.  Steve got a call from Matt and he said, “Uh, Dad, you are not going to believe this…” Well I guess that he almost got to Scheloske when he looked back and notice that the tailgate was down and the 5 gallon bucket of paint was missing.  He had turned around and was going to go look for it.  He found it back in Ontario, not very far from the rental place.  Someone had stopped and tipped it back up and left it there on the corner.  Wow, I couldn’t believe it when he pulled up and unloaded the bucket of paint.  Red had spilled on the outside, but there was still enough to finish our final coat.  By 7:30 p.m. we had it done, loaded up and headed for Matt’s B-day dinner.  Whew, what a day.
Thought you would get a good laugh out of this...Love Mom

New mission email -10/06/09

hola familia y mi amigos!!! todos es muy bien y si Caleb yo como en la dia.  Everything is going great! my companion for the 9 week duration of the mtc is elder geddes from ceour d'laene.  we are sharing a room with elder nelson from torrington wy and elder oien from aberdeen wa.  elder nelson looks just like david probably will when i get back...tall skinny and really blonde hair.  we have been giving the first lesson in english just to be familiar with it but i can pray and bear my testimony in spanish already. and i can contact people in spanish too.  i have3 made a goal for myself to read the book of mormon in spanich in 4 weeks...i am in ether (or eter en espanol). it is so awesome because the first day i saw darek jentzsch...err...elder jentzsch at lunch and last night i found out that he is like 4 rooms down from me in our little housing facility.  anyways i got your letter today and your package...i started crying after reading the part that our footings are done on our house already and i started crying for joy...since now mom doesn't have to have a coniption.  i probably spelled that wrong but oh well...i have been taking quite a few pictures and will send them as soon as i can.  oh and i have two p-days a week because they take half of ours on tuesday and use it for service so to make up for that i can write (i think) on thursdays too...anyways i just wanted to let you know that i am doing well and my companion and i are getting along very i wanna share my testimony with you en espanol:
      Tengo un testimonio de la iglesia de Jesucristo. Y que la iglesia es la solo iglesia verdad en la tierra.  Yo se que Jose Smith es el profeta de la restauracion y Jesucristo es el hijo de Dios.  Yo agradecido por mi familia y por el ejemplo de todos.  Agradecido por mi hermanos y mi padre y madre por escuchan a mi problemos.  Yo amo nosotros muchos.  Yo se que el Senor viven y yo agradecido por todo que tengo, en el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen...

Mom and dad, please just keep the testimony for you guys and the boys.  i would really appreciate that.  thanks so much for the cheeps y queso (chips and cheese).  also thanks for the letter.  when everyone was telling me that a letter is the best thing that can happen for a missionary, i didn't really believe it until i got that box of goodies and that letter...

Share with other family:

I love you guys lots and every night i think about you guys. Please keep sending the letters and i hope you got my mailing address, but now email will be easier...anyways my time is up, but i love you and miss you and i will be home before dad can do the "take it easy" from nacho you all again

elder child
Mexico oaxaca mission


Hello family & friends,
Well, we did it.  We got to Provo safely and dropped Ben off at the MTC.  I woke Wednesday morning about 5:15 a.m. to the loudest thunder I've heard, (well outside the trailer.)  I couldn't go back to sleep, I just layed there thinking how fast the last 19 years had gone, and praying that Ben had picked up on all he needs to know, somehow, somewhere. Actually I know he has learned alot from all of you.  We so appreciate your influence you have had on our family.  I also kept thinking...Mom's do this all the time, he, no I will survive...won't I?  I remember when our nephews & other y.m. would come and go on their missions and I would be crying...anticipating when our boys would go.  Now it was my turn, to be the brave mama.  Yeah, right.  I didn't think I did too bad, they didn't have to pry me off his ankle or anything.  haha  They did have everything very organized, of course.  We drove in, parked by the curb, unloaded his bags and gave one last hug and he was off.  An elder was escorting him up the sidewalk.  We got the most awesome picture.  I'd attach it if I knew how.  David's camera is weird. I hope to write again and attach a few pics. Anyway, Ben was so excited.  We had gone to the temple before hand to take some pictures and he actually squealed he was so excited.  That was pretty funny.  Well, I am sorry to write such a sappy e-mail, I just wanted to say "Thanks" for everything.  You have helped us raise our missionary.  And we thank you for it.  Many of you have asked for his address in the MTC so I will just add it on this note.  Hope you all enjoyed conference weekend and we will keep you posted with his letters if you'd like. 
Lots of love, Janet

Missionary Son, from Kathie Bergquist, 9/28/09

Good Morning!
 We drove by your place yesterday and saw some road carving going on.
We will watch the progress!  Exciting!!
 I have been thinking about you getting ready to go today. I remembered this verse I got at from a mother's week presentation at "Ricks" then. It was before I had sent out any missionaries but they were getting to that age.
I loved it and thought you might enjoy it at this time....
Have a great time this week!

To press my lips upon fair cheek or brow,
Of my young sons
So long have I stooped down.
But suddenly, to my surprise,
I find that I must stand on toe-tips
To kiss their lips.
These tall young sons,
Each straight as any pine.
Can they be mine?
Soon I must share them.
Soon I know that they will go.
But I am glad
That I have had small sons to stoop too-
Tall sons to reach to,
Clean sons to give—that other sons might live.

Letter from Provo MTC Presidency

Dear family of Benjamin Dale Child,

We are pleased to inform you that your missionary has been safely checked in at the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah.  We thank you for supporting your missionary and know that your family will be blessed as a result.

Your missionary's mailing address while at the MTC is:
Benjamin Dale Child
MTC Mailbox # 242
MEX-OAX 1130
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Please note the following items:

1.  Your missionary's service began today.  Please do not arrange or request visits with your missionary, including meetings at the temple or in proximity to the MTC.

2.  All missionary mail must come through the US Mail or commercial delivery services.  Hand delivered items will NOT be accepted.  Do not send pizzas, fast foods, ice-cream, or any items that will spoil if they are not refrigerated within 24 hours.  Missionaries are not called out of class to receive packages, nor do they have access to a refrigerator.

3.  Communicate with your missionary weekly through letters sent to the above address or through the email account that the missionary will set up within the first two weeks.  This account is to be used by immediate family only.  Telephone calls for missionaries cannot be accepted.  Your missionary will correspond with you on his/her first preparation day.

4.    Families and friends should not plan to visit missionaries departing to their field of labor at the airport or MTC.

Should you need to communicate with the MTC call 801-422-2602.  Do not reply to this email.


Provo MTC Presidency