Monday, November 23, 2015

Letter from Mom - 10/26/09

 Hey little buddy, haha
Wow, another week has gone by.  It sounds like you have been busy.  Quite a responsibilty, filling in for the DL.  So, no coat yet?  I am glad it hasn't been too cold yet.  It has been nice here too.  We will have to go find the winter coats before too long.  So do you go to the temple every week?  Dad and I have been better at going and actually went to the temple the first week in Oct.  We have trying to do better at everything.  We even had scripture study the other morning.  There are some mornings the guys don't get up in time before Dad has to leave for work but we at least have prayer before the day starts.  I know but it is better than nothing, eh?  Hopefully we can make it a habit.  So, Tanner Tolman got his mission call.  He is going to the North Carolina Rawley Mission.  Is that where Deon (sp) is?  He seems excited. 
So, tell us of any other fabulous experiences that you have had.  The boys love to hear about them.  We share them with all we talk to.  Oh, Bishop McBride was released.  Can you believe their time was up.  The new Bishop is Calvin Bailey, 1st C- Rod Jentszch, 2nd C- Sam Crane.  Seems weird huh?  Dad was hoping to make it to Rupert but we had the primary program here in Weiser.  Jake's band concert is Tues. night.  He is excited.  Then we don't have school on thurs. and Fri.  Oh, boy!!  G & G Child are coming on Wed.  U. Dan's concert is also Tues. night so they will stay in Middleton and then head over here on Wed.  They want to check out the house project, have lunch with Dad and then head home.  It won't be a long visit but it will be good to see them.  I still can't believe G & G Hodge came to Weiser.  
Here's a funny story,  we picked some grapes for A. Jane to make some juice and she gave us about 8 quarts.  Anyway, we mixed some up for Sunday dinner.  We used the campground water and it was disgusting.  Dad couldn't even drink it.  So, the next time we made it we bought a gallon of water and it was so much better.  We are trying to ration it.  Imagine that, us trying to ration the yummy food.  hahahaha  Well, hopefully everything is going great.  I hope you haven't caught any of the yuck that is going around.  Zack, Jake and now Dad have the cough thing, but hopefully it won't last for long and we won't catch it.  Are you staying healthy?  We are always thinking of you!  I hope you know that we love you.  I am glad you are my son.  I am thankful for the gospel and the Holy Ghost.   I am so grateful for Pres. Monson.  If we will just follow their counsel we would be better off.  I am so grateful for the temple and love the peace we can have there.  I love the missionaries and am so grateful that so many will serve our Heavenly Father.  Now more than ever, I am amazed by that.  I forwarded your e-mail to the Jolley's and Andrea said, "Isn't it wonderful to know that everyone is praying for your son?"'s wonderful.  I know that you are being blessed and watched over.  You are having some unforgettable, once in a lifetime expereinces right know.   O.k. I better get.  David has Zack and Caleb making animal sounds and for some reason they are trying to see who can be the loudest.  Wow, that's fun here in the trailer.  K, loads of love to you.  Have a great week.  And we live for your letters too!!  big hug big kiss,,,,,,love mom
Oh, I am attaching Matt's deer.  And Dave with the helipad.  I hope it will work.


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