Monday, November 23, 2015

Letter from Ben - 10/27/09

hola everyone!
everything is going great and my companion and i taught the first lesson in spanish to our roommates today. i have made a goal to only eat one plate of food (a normal portion) at meals and it is working great...don't worry mom, you're cooking is still mas muy bueno.  thanks so much for sending those packages.  i felt like a dingleberry sitting on my bunk and crying over everyone's letters haha but it's all good.  thanks for the foto album and for the packages.  i am so jealous that matt shot his deer.....i will NEVER hear the end of it now...haha so how is the house going? is it still coming along fast? also tell tanner tolman congrats for me and i think that IS where deion is...oh and today we went to get a sack breakfast thing and it was freezing.  thanks for sending the debit card and stuff. also i got the rest of my immunizations so let me know if i need to send you the receipt so that we (you) can get reimbursed or whatever you need to do.  today is snowed for a little bit while we were on our way back from the temple which for some reason was especially good this week.  also, this week for my "spiritual experience", my companero and i memorized the first vision in espanol.  i can tell that both of us are growning so fast and it isn't so terrible to speak spanish anymore. haha well i'm glad that david is still babysitting and staying out of trouble and tell him congrats on being done with his eagle project. how are you doing at work, dad? and mom, hang in there the house is almost done. haha  anyways i better go but thanks again so much for the letters and everything. they really mean a lot to me....tell me how everything else is going and stuff and remember...I LOVE YOU!!! <3 :)
have an awesome week and i can't wait to hear how everything is going.
Tell everyone to keep up the good work in all that they do and to keep trying their hardest to persevere and CTR.  thanks again for everything you do...I love and miss you!!!

Elder Benjamin D. Child
Mexico-Oaxaca Mission

p.s. i have had the sher-khan dream twice this week...mtc food is getting to me...haha love ya bye

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